JSJ Sales and Marketing is looking for women ages 18-49 to answer a couple questions about their feminine hygiene routine. Participants will be rewarded for their time with a free 5-unit sample of Kotex® pads or tampons. (US residents only).
Monday, March 21, 2011
Free Sample of Kotex Tampons or Pads
Earn Amazon.com Gift Certificates with Opinion Outpost
Update for those of you who were/are interested in my experiences with Opinion Outpost, and how well they pay out. They are VERY good. I have been a slacker for a few months, but I've successfully earned over $60, and have redeemed over $45.00 in Amazon.com gift certificates. They've also now added options for payment via Citi gift cards.
It's free to join, so there's nothing to lose!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ready for your Taste Drive?
Get a taste of the latest in fully loaded flavor efficiency. Just grab a bowl and hold onto your spoon, because this breakfast cereal will put you in the fast lane to fruit flavor! Sign up to taste drive a sample at Touch of Fruit.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Take a break from aftertaste with a FREE sample.
Add nothing but taste to your morning cup of coffee with a FREE pint of Breve Crème coffee creamer, brought to you by your friends at Vocalpoint.
Great Free Paint Sample From Valspar
I received this via FedEx this afternoon.
How cool is this??? A 7.2 oz. Sample jar of paint, along with a mini roller and paint tray. Looks like I'll have enough to paint the trim on both of my dining room windows!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
FREE 1-2-3 Collection Binder from Food Network Magazine
Sign Up for your FREE 1-2-3 Collection Binder!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Full Year of Cooking Light and Cooking Light eNewsletter!
Receive 1 Full Year of Cooking Light and Cooking Light eNewsletter!
Click here to find out how to get your complimentary 12-issue subscription to Cooking Light and Cooking Light eNewsletter. Quantities are limited to the first 500 responders.
Claim Your COMPLIMENTARY Subscription!

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Save Money and Get Cash Back from Ebates
In addition to cash back, Ebates has thousands of great coupons, free shipping, and special offers from its stores, so you always get a great deal.
Membership at Ebates is free and there are no forms to fill in or points to redeem. You get paid cash back for shopping by check or Paypal. As an added bonus, we'll each get a $5 bonus from Ebates when you make your first purchase!
Please click here to sign up today:

Friday, March 11, 2011
thredUP Used Kids Clothing Exchange
"thredUP is where America's busiest families conveniently exchange kids clothing online. You can list the boxes of clothes your kids have grown out of and pick ones for them to wear."