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Monday, December 20, 2010

Get Three Free 1 oz Samples of Natural Nutrition Cat Food

Natural Nutrition is offering a free sample of their cat food. All you have to do is fill out the form on the page, and they will send you not one, but three, 1 oz samples of their Gourmet Entree flavors.

Natural Nutrition Cat Food
"For a super limited time, we're offering a free sample of our new gourmet all-natural high-nutrition cat food lineup! Just fill in the form below. Includes three one-ounce samples, one of each of our new Gourmet Entrées flavors!"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can You Gimme 5???

Hi all,

As some of you know, I'm training to RUN-walk the full 26.2 mile Walt Disney World marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I'm falling short on reaching my fundraising minimum and could use some help! I'm trying to raise $1,000 in the next 2 weeks.

If I don't raise it, I don't get to participate in the marathon I've been training so hard for, and I will be a VERY unhappy camper! Do you REALLY want to be one of the reasons I don't get to do this? Think of how miserable I'll be to be around! Do you REALLY really want to inflict THAT torture on yourself??? :-)

More importantly, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will fall short of their target. so I am asking you to Gimme 5!

1. Gimme 5 minutes of your time - go to my website at (or I can also accept PayPal donations at

2. Gimme 5 bucks - just donate online (at my website above): five dollars for a great cause - and hey if you want to donate more fantastic! PLUS you get to see your name up in lights on my fundraising page! If you're unable to do that, then please...

3. Gimme 5 friends - send this to five friends and help me spread the word!

4. $25 pays for a patient's chemotherapy prescription co-pay or a taxi ride home from a chemotherapy treatment. $50 registers 1 person to be a bone marrow donor.

5. Every 5 minutes someone new is diagnosed with a blood cancer - money for research is desperately needed - so donate now.

For up-to-the minute updates on my training progress and adventures, visit the Crawl, Carol, CRAWL!!! blog at

In case you're wondering how the money you donate helps those facing blood cancers, here's an idea of where your donation money could go:
  • $25 could pay the taxi fare for a patient's ride home from the hospital after treatment
  • $50 could register one person to be a bone marrow donor
  • $75 could provide HLA (bone marrow) typing for a family member of a patient with leukemia
  • $100 could pay the cost of 4 patients' chemotherapy drug prescription co-pays
  • $300 could train 25 peer volunteers to provide emotional support to newly diagnosed patients
  • $1,000 could allow a patient to meet with health care specialists to design and discuss their disease and treatment plan
  • $3,000 could provide a patient with a one month supply of Gleevec (a life-saving drug, developed through LLS research funding, used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia)
Thanks for your support to help fight blood cancers.

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